Saturday, April 30, 2005

kill coyotes!

I was a mild mannered, semi environmentalist. But your average geek is really stupid. The first tourists on cape cod (indians), thanked God, (great spirit) for the gift of protein in the form of Blackfish on the beach. We send them back, or spend millions trying. The Indians also respected the wolf, though I see no evidence of domestication, nor Veterinarian approved commercial dog food, often made from slaughterhouse scraps, by the way. I used to love our renamed, reanimated, re-introduced Coyote, but no more. To many cats lost, my dog is a piece of meat on a rope, and they walk around like they own the place. I mean they stare me down, and charge my dog, every day, on every walk. So, I joined the rod and gun club, got me a rifle, and now I shoot what I see as a competitor to MY territory. I've bagged at least one a day for a year now, have a few of the pelts still, and even use recipes for stew from Asia. Still they come. Makes me wonder about the 'handful' some experts say live on this sanctuary. Of course, you don't know me, I won't tell you where I live, etc. Just take my advice, watch your back. Because these coyotes (wolves) are watching yours, and your pets, and your kids.... Better yet, get yourself a rifle, and if you live near others, duh, a silencer. Clean up after your self, bury the rest. I even make soap! It's a regular cottage industry.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

end times

Here we are, at the end of the world. It's all been done, and written. What comes next? I mean, after the next Pope, in 2008, is that the start of 1000 years of bliss? Or is this the end of that too. I forget what the paranoia experts and Nostradamas say. We already have seen the end of what we thought was a just system with the 2000 'election'. Now our votes are obviously manipulated. Hmmm,. why am I getting a craving to go out right now and purchase, well, anything? I'm hungry, I can eat. I want instant communication or a sex partner, jeez, it's right here. Only, I'm not well connected. Dial-up is cheap, but try downloading video. Please, I'm thinking family movies here. Don't get me started on the correlation between 9/11, Pearl and arcane number theory. The most educated folks I know to a one could be characters in the film 'Brazil'. Here on Quaint Cape Cod, we have smaller fish to fry. I for one, wonder when Chris Wise will boast of a mortuary in every town, to go with his complete care system for the elderly and duh, the rich. Think of it, from the age of say, 70 odd (younger if disabled), all of your cares cease, and those nasty end arrangements too! Just sign it over, lock stock and barrel. I can't quite remember exactly what that means, any takers? Anyway, Chris Wise is the one. He has the means, and the desire. And after Cape Cod, like a virus, spread. But only the affluent, with the required nod to those less than.

Monday, April 25, 2005

A Well Run Theatre

Last week I was at the Orpheum in Boston to see Alison Krauss and Union Station. I love the stinky falling apart venue, I loved the music that much more.
On Saturday I was treated to the same kind of music, and a much newer and better run establishment in the guise of The State Theatre, in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Why can't we have this here? I met the director, Wesley O. Brustad, and thanked him profusely.
Nothing I say can illuminate this for you. At the Orpheum, it's the same old advasarial rag. Grab a drink and down it, we are watching you. No Bevvies in the auditorium. Us and Them.
At the State, same design though a couple of hundred years newer, please, thank you, lights on your feet on the way to the bathroom, all accomadation. And we danced, not as well as Natalie, tapping while she fiddled, but the difference in being WELCOME, made my night.
I dream of this happening on the Cape.
Is anyone listening?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Welcome to the O.P.O.

That's the "Orleans Post Office" & Dick's Coffee Bar

I wake up some nights and while starring at the evening sky, I think of matters which should concern us all.

I will share a few on these pages.

If I write something which other Cape Codders may find of interest, my buddy Walter will feature them on

Dan Yonce, Permitee