Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Yesterday morning on my doggie constitutional I encountered a summer breeze neighbor. He the retired Pagan minister (Pagan being non-Catholic, no matter the order), me the would be depositer of pee, but for him. We met over the carcass of a Sears motorized snow plow, circa 1945, the working end all of two foot wide. It weighs a ton, and could hide a bomb, if we were in say, San Francisco. My other neighbor weighed in, in his two ton toyota. The subject turned to fundamentalism, as embraced by the smile of a phat preacher I always enjoy steering the conversation to the ludicrossity of faith.
I mean no disrespect, I count myself a fundamentalist, in that I believe in all faiths, in all paths. They all lead to the same place, we are all chosen, you are created in God's image, etc.
My cheery neighbor is dismembering our focal point, piecemeal. This day we share the gift someone elses trash brings. The minister takes umbrage at my use of the term; fundamentalist, as if it has been sullied by suicide bombers. Ok, count me in. I believe all words are useful, it is only how they are used that could be an issue. But you have a pension, and are paid to preach, yes father?, I altar boy smile ask. So the world is sunny and bright.
God I wish like my mother wanted I had been called to paycheck and marriage and such a beautiful simple world.
How long before we hear the words 'the only good muslim is a dead muslim' and why is this ringing thousands of bells, thousands of years long?
Truly, if we must get along, all religion is metaphor, all beliefs are relevant.
But we don't have to get along at all.
Self determination is easily relinquished to the nearest Mosque, Church, or Government, and yes, Science.
My Pagan neighbor will be gone in the fall, as will the memory of the precursor of the Gravely from our agnostic dirt road. I will again deposit my unwelcome nitrogen upon the sand, unseen save by God.


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